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Technical Committees

Technical Committees

Technical Committee activities include preparation of papers and seminars for presentation at the Annual Meeting, preparation of quality industry guidelines, best practices, and procedures, discussion of mutual technical issues, new packaging, new equipment developments, etc. Much of the Technical Committees' work is accomplished by the members outside of the actual meetings.

We encourage active participation by members in at least one Technical Committee. It is most beneficial to ISBT members and to their company for the member to be an active participant in ISBT's Technical Committees and Subcommittees. This is where the work is done. This is where new voluntary guidelines and test methods are developed. This is where new ingredients, processes, equipment and packages are discussed. This is where issues are solved. To receive the most benefit from your ISBT membership - Be a participant. Be active.

There is a Technical Committee covering every phase of the industry. Here is a list of the committees and their current Chairs:

Beverage and Ingredient R&D
Emina Goodman

Emina Goodman Company / Position: ADM / Sr. Director ADM Nutrition - Colors
ISBT Member Since: 2010
What I Love About ISBT: I have been member of ISBT for 9 years and every year I am more and more delighted with growth, amazing program and amount of beverage professionals in one place. ISBT offers large Committee variety so if you are part of the Beverage Industry you can relate on so many levels. Every year I look forward meeting a new members and catch up with longtime Beverage Industry Friends all in one place. We have many competitors in the same room that would not normally talk and associate but when we all share the same industry problem we are all one team and one voice. We are also Global Team and we have a Global presence.

Learn More About Beverage and Ingredient R&D

Beverage Gases
Rome Brenneman

Rome Brenneman Company / Position: Archaea Energy / Director, Business Development
ISBT Member Since: 2017
What I Love About ISBT:

Learn More About Beverage Gases

Beverage Operations & Processing
John Mojonnier

John Mojonnier Company / Position: Mojonnier / Chairman Emeritus
ISBT Member Since: 2015
What I Love About ISBT: I have found the range and depth of technical information and experience shared by members at ISBT meetings to be both impressive and timely. Papers at General Session address state-of-the-art issues in tune with ever-changing industry needs and trends. Presentations and discussions at the Technical Committee level are always practical and enlightening, providing opportunities for networking with top technical leaders and professional growth. The supplier Expo offers hands-on experience, expanding knowledge of new technologies which improve quality and performance. ISBT has provided me with a breadth of industry knowledge and understanding available nowhere else.

Learn More About Beverage Operations & Processing

Packaging Technology
Peter Zhang

Peter Zhang Company / Position: PepsiCo / Senior Manager
ISBT Member Since: 2018
What I Love About ISBT: ISBT is a focal point for beverage industry professionals to meet and collaborate. The scale and diversity of the members are second to none and encompass the entire globe. Each year, people from all over the world congregate at the BevTech conference. During the year, various technical committees meet on a monthly basis to address current and most critical issues that the industry is facing. Being a member of ISBT, you benefit from the best of the best that the beverage industry has to offer. Through the annual and monthly activities, you will have the pulse of the industry at your fingertips and will always have a place to go to get answers to the most challenging questions that you may have.

Learn More About Packaging Technology

Danny Taveras

Danny Taveras Company / Position: Doctitech Consulting LLC / President
ISBT Member Since: 2009
What I Love About ISBT: People that work in the beverage industry can be very competitive. ISBT allows everyone to forge relationships and socialize with peers, while collaborating on topics that are important to all of us as suppliers and manufacturers, without violating any confidentiality or competition rules imposed by employers and business. Also, ISBT leverages hundreds of years of members’ knowledge and experiences dealing with beverage industry issues to promote consensus and create documents and materials that make everyone’s jobs much easier. I think that participation in ISBT meetings and committees has become a key pathway for beverage industry professionals, whether young or mature, to expand their network and ensure they have access to the latest information and technology in or industry.

Learn More About Quality

Sanitation and Microbiological Control
Kris Krueger

Kris Krueger Company / Position: Diversey, Inc. / Application Scientist
ISBT Member Since: 2015
What I Love About ISBT: ISBT provides a great way to network with other industry professionals as well as being able to understand what the current concerns in the industry are. It's a wonderful opportunity to work side-by-side with industry leaders and peers to help the industry by writing practical and effective guidelines for our member's use.

Learn More About Sanitation and Microbiological Control

Rishi Shukla

Rishi Shukla Company / Position: ADM / Research Fellow
ISBT Member Since: 2023
What I Love About ISBT: ISBT is a thriving hub for scientific growth, fueled by expert guidance and collaborative learning facilitated by robust peer connections.

Learn More About Sweetener

Water Quality and Treatment
Ying Xu

Ying Xu Company / Position: Aquafine/Trojan Technologies / Sales Director
ISBT Member Since: 2017
What I Love About ISBT: What truly captivates me about ISBT is the diversity and passion throughout its membership. Individuals come together with a shared passion for the beverage industry, each bringing their perspectives, and expertise to the community. The ISBT has driven a lot of meaningful changes within the industry in the past. As for why I aspire to be the chair of the Water Quality & Treatment Technical Committee, I see it as an opportunity to continue fostering collaboration and driving meaningful change, and want to ensure each member's passion shines through. What is truly remarkable is that ISBT stands as one and only association that focuses on beverages, providing a unique platform where vendors can engage with bottlers and end-users, it facilitates invaluable connections and insights.

Learn More About Water Quality and Treatment
